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Bildnummer: 05961662 Datum: 27.05.2010 Copyright: imago/MIS
27.05.2010, Fussball DFB-Trainingslager Der deutschen Nationalmannschaft zur WM-Vorbereitung, in Eppan bei Bozen in Sudtirol (Italien), Bundestrainer Joachim L?w (Deutschland) hat seine Mannschaft um sich versammelt. ; Fussball Herren WM Vorbereitung Nationalteam DFB Trainingslager GER Eppan Sudtirol PK Training vdig xcb 2010 quer premiumd xint
Image number 05961662 date 27 05 2010 Copyright imago MIS 27 05 2010 Football DFB Training camps the German national team to World Cup Preparations in Appiano at Bolzano in South Tyrol Italy German coach Joachim Loew Germany has his Team to to gathered Football men World Cup Preparations National team DFB Training camps ger Appiano South Tyrol press conference Training Vdig 2010 horizontal premiumd