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2015 IPC Athletics World Championships; Doha (Qatar), 29.10.2015 Alicija Fiodorow (T35, POL); Tag 8 der 2015 IPC Athletics World Championships am 29.10.2015 im Suhaim Bin Hamad Stadium in Doha (Qatar). Alicija Fiodorow (T35, POL) during day eight of the 2015 IPC Athletics World Championships at Suhaim Bin Hamad Stadium, Doha (Qatar) on Thursday, Oct. 29, 2015. xakx 2015 IPC Athletics World Championships Doha Qatar 29 10 2015 Fiodorow T35 POL Day 8 the 2015 IPC Athletics World Championships at 29 10 2015 in am Hamad Stage in Doha Qatar Fiodorow T35 POL during Day Eight of The 2015 IPC Athletics World Championships AT am Hamad Stage Doha Qatar ON Thursday OCT 29 2015 xakx