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Bildnummer: 54530309 Datum: 11.10.2010 Copyright: imago/PanoramiC Prasentation des Computer- und Videospiels FIFA 2011 von EA Sports - Christian Audigier PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRAxITAxBEL People Entertainment Pressetermin o0 Computerspiel Videospiel o0 Prasentation Portrat kbdig xdp 2010 hoch Bildnummer 54530309 Date 11 10 2010 Copyright Imago Panoramic Presentation the Computer and Video game FIFA 2011 from Ea Sports Christian Audigier PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRAxITAxBEL Celebrities Entertainment Press call o0 Computer game Video game o0 Presentation Portrait Kbdig XDP 2010 vertical