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Legacy of the World Cup FIFA 2014 SAO PAULO, Brazil - 20/01/2015: WORLD CUP LEGACY OF FIFA 2014 - The president of the CBF and the Local Organizing Committee (LOC), Jose Maria Marin during a press conference PK Pressekonferenz on the legacy of the FIFA World Cup WM Weltmeisterschaft Fussball 2014 6 months after the end of the World Cup, held in the auditorium of the Arena Corinthians. (Photo: Marcelo Machado de Melo / FotoArena) PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxBRA MarceloxMachadoxdexMelo Legacy of The World Cup FIFA 2014 Sao Paulo Brazil 20 01 2015 World Cup Legacy of FIFA 2014 The President of The CBF and The Local Organizing Committee LOC Jos Mary Marin during A Press Conference press conference Press conference ON The Legacy of The FIFA World Cup World Cup World Cup Football 2014 6 Months After The End of The World Cup Hero in The Auditorium of The Arena Corinthians Photo Marcelo Machado de Melo PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxBRA