CREDIT: Ed Brown/Rex Features Mandatory Credit: Photo by Ed Brown/REX (4126940a) A Red Deer (Cervus elaphus) stag, antlers covered with grass, bellowing during the annual rut A Red Deer stag bellowing during annual rut, Windsor Great Park, Berkshire, Britain - 26 Sep 2014 Wildlife photographer Ed Brown today (26 Sep) captured these impressive images of a red deer stag bellowing during the annual rut at Windsor Great Park in Berkshire. He says: "I went to the park to see if the rut had got into full swing yet and was watching one particular stag for a while that was bellowing and scratching around a little bit, but not much. Then this guy turned up, much bigger than the other and quite comical looking with all the grass hanging off his antlers; definitely the dominant of the two and he quickly rounded up a group of hinds and led them off to another part of the park. I love the noise they make when bellowing, its great at this time of year to be around something so impressive, but also knowing to keep my distance!"