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14.08.2014 Belgrade(Serbia) Poland men s volleyball world championship trophy promotion Aleksandar Boricic(L) OSS (Serbia Volleyball federation president) with Igor Kolakovic(2L) Serbian head coach with Christophe Achten(3L) Belgium coach and Miroslaw Przedpelski (r)Polish volleyball federation president in shopping mall Usce :Alrksandar Djorovic PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxSER 14 08 2014 Belgrade Serbia Poland Men s Volleyball World Championship Trophy Promotion Aleksandar Boricic l Oss Serbia Volleyball Federation President with Igor Kolakovic 2L Serbian Head Coach with Christophe eighth 3l Belgium Coach and Miroslaw Przedpelski r Polish Volleyball Federation President in Shopping Mall Usce Djorovic PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxSER