Royal palms, fan palms, colocosia and bizzy lizzy - just some of the abundant plantlife in this tropical garden Anthony Hunte (whose English family became sugar planters in the late 1600's) is a well known plantsman in Barbados. For many years he ran his landscape and nurssery business designing and planting for hotels and private clients across the island. Seven years ago Anthony bought a 150 year old former stables and 4 hectares of land. The converted stables became his home and the natural 'bowl' of the landscape, with little more than rough ground and some mature trees, has been carefully planted to entice and enchant the eye with not only native species but exotic, compatible plants that Anthony collects on his travels. The unique location means that plants are grown on many levels creating walls of foliage and flowers. Unlike botanical gardens where labels and rules apply this is a garden to relax in, sometimes classical music is playing, there are interesting and amusing figures and statues set amongst the plants and Anthony loves to regale his visitors with stories of the island along with tea or perhaps a traditional rum punch. His charming beamed, covered veranda is a second living room, furnished with old tables, a painted chest and the odd chintz covered chair. Visitors to Barbados should not miss the chance to see this wonderful garden.