Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel nahm am Dienstag, den 2. Juli 2013 den Jahresbericht des Nationalen Normenkontrollrates (NKR) im Bundeskanzleramt Berlin entgegen. Chancellor Merkel receives annual report of the National Regulatory Control Council German Chancellor Angela Merkel took on Tuesday 2nd July 2013 the annual report of the National Regulatory Control Council (NRCC) against the Federal Chancellery in Berlin. Das Bild zeigt die Bundeskanzlerin Dr. Angela Merkel (re) und Wolf-Michael Catenhusen (li), stellv. Vorsitzender des NKR, Staatssekretaer a.D. The picture shows German Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel (right) and Wolf-Michael Catenhusen (left), Deputy Chairman of the NRCC, Secretary of State ret Credit: Stocki/face to face
fot. Face to Face/REPORTER