Bildnummer: 59773547 Datum: 30.10.2012 Copyright: imago/Rainer Mirau Eisbrocken am Strand nahe der Gletscherlagune J?kuls?Arlon, ?raefaj?kull, Ostisland, Island Reisen Highlight x0x xub 2012 quer Eis Europa europaisch frieren horizontal islandisch kalt Meer menschenleer niemand Querformat stimmungsvoll Strand Wasser 59773547 Date 30 10 2012 Copyright Imago Rainer Chunks of ice at Beach near the Glacier lagoon ?raefaj?kull Ostisland Iceland Travel Highlight x0x 2012 horizontal Ice Europe Euro Freezing horizontally Icelandic cold Sea deserted Nobody Landscape Full mood Beach Water