Bildnummer: 59143240 Datum: 18.01.2013 Copyright: imago/Sch?ning 4 Asse, Pokerspiel, Stapel Jetons 4 Asse Pokerspiel Stapel Jetons Symbol Objekte Studio xns x0x 2013 quer Aufmacher Studiofoto Symbol Symbolik Symbolfoto Symbolbild symbolisch Asse Fourofakind Four of a kind Vierer 4 Vier As Karten Spielkarte Spielkarten Karte Kartenspiel Gluecksspiel Glucksspiel Gluck Glueck Pokermarken Pokerchips Pokerjetons Chips Plastikmarken Spielmarken Jetons Spielmarke Plastikmarke Chip Pokerjeton Pokerchip Pokermarke Einsatz Geldeinsatz Geldersatz Jeton pokern Pokerspiel Poker spielen Spiel Studiobild Studioaufnahme Gewinner gewinnen 59143240 Date 18 01 2013 Copyright Imago Sch?ning 4 Aces Poker game Stack Chips 4 Aces Poker game Stack Chips symbol Objects Studio xns x0x 2013 horizontal Highlight Studio photo symbol Symbolism Symbolic image Symbol image symbolic Aces Four of a Child Quad 4 four As Cards Playing card Playing cards Card Card game Gambling Gambling Happiness Glueck Poker chips Poker Chips Chips Chips Game mark Plastic mark Chip Poker chip Use Money Monetary compensation Chip Poker Poker game Poker Play Game Studio photo Studio shooting Winner win