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Bildnummer: 10308030 Datum: 04.04.2012 Copyright: imago/Alterphotos
Apoel s and Real Madrid s fans pose with scarfs and flags during UEFA Champions League Match. April 04, 2012. PUBLICATIONxINxGERxSUIxAUTxPOLxDENxNORxSWExONLY (201204049723); Fussball Champions League 2011 2012 Viertelfinale London CF Real Madrid APOEL Nikosia xdp x1x 2012 quer premiumd
Image number 10308030 date 04 04 2012 Copyright imago Old photos APOEL s and Real Madrid s supporters Pose with Scarfs and FLAGS during UEFA Champions League Match April 04 2012 PUBLICATIONxINxGERxSUIxAUTxPOLxDENxNORxSWExONLY Football Champions League 2011 2012 Quarter-finals London CF Real Madrid APOEL Nicosia x1x 2012 horizontal premiumd