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Bildnummer: 57064612 Datum: 13.02.2012 Copyright: imago/frederic
Photo-Call des Films im Wettbewerb der Berlinale WETTBEWERB / COMPETITION JAYNE MANSFIELD'S CAR John Hurt (Schauspieler / Actor) Katherine LaNasa (Schauspielerin / Actress), Billy Bob Thornton (Regisseur / Director), rechts, Anla?lich der Internationalen Filmfestspiele 2012 in Berlin Berlinale 2012 Kultur Entertainment People Film 62. Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlinale Berlin Photocall xcb x0x 2012 hoch premiumd Berlinale 2012
57064612 Date 13 02 2012 Copyright Imago Frederic Photo Call the Films in Competition the Berlinale Competition Competition Jayne Car John Hurt Actor Actor Katherine LaNasa Actress actress Billy Bob Thornton Director Director right during the International Film Festival 2012 in Berlin Berlinale 2012 Culture Entertainment Celebrities Film 62 International Film Festival Berlinale Berlin photo call x0x 2012 vertical premiumd Berlinale 2012