Le cerveau est constitu?? de 2 parties: les h??misphA?res c??r??braux r??unis entre eux par une ??paisse bande de fibres nerveuses, le corps calleux. Avec le tronc c??r??bral, prolongement de la moelle ??piniA?re, et le cervelet branch?? en d??rivation en arriA?re, il forme l'enc??phale. L'imagerie par r??sonnance magn??tique, qui ne produit pas de radiations est particuliA?rement pr??cieuse pour les examens du cerveau notamment pour la fosse post??rieure et la substance blanche. Ici cerveau normal.
The two hemispheres of the brain are bridged by a thick band of nerve fibers known as the corpus callosum. The brain as a whole (encephalon) is composed of these areas along with the brain stem (the prolongation of the spinal cord), and the cerebellum (a sort of branch circuit located in the posterior region of the skull). MRI imagery, which does not produce any radiation, is particularly useful for brain exams, especially those targeting the posterior cranial fossa and the white matter. Seen here, a normal, healthy brain.