Repr??sentation de la biod??gradation de mat??riaux biod??gradables gr??ce aux micro-organismes (bact??ries, champignons ou algues).
- premiA?re ??tape : biofragmentation
- deuxiA?me ??tape : bioassimilation, et
- troisiA?me ??tape : min??ralisation en condition d'a??robie (pr??sence d'oxygA?ne), ou d'ana??robie (absence d'oxygA?ne).
Illustration of biodegradation of biodegradable substances in the presence of micro-organisms such as bacteria, fungi and algae.
- first step: biofragmentation
- second step: bioassimilation, and
- third step: mineralization under aerobic (with oxygen) or anaerobic (without oxygen) conditions.