Manadatory Credit: Photo by James D. Morgan / Rex Features (1331770J)
The world's largest solar boat, Turanor PlanetSolar arrived on its first Australian stopover at Riverside Centre Pontoon, Brisbane, part of its quest to become the first fully solar-powered vessel to circumnavigate around the world.
'Turanor PlanetSolar,' the world's largest solar powered yacht, Brisbane, Australia - 29 May 2011
In its record breaking attempt, Turanor PlanetSolar will cover approximately 27,000 nautical miles in its effort to prove that current renewable energy technologies are reliable and effective and to demonstrate the potential of environmentally responsible mobility concepts. The multi-hull catamaran measures 31 metres by 15 metres and has a solar photovoltaic surface area of over 537 square meters, hosting 38,000 high-efficiency solar cells, making it the biggest solar-powered ship in the world. Founded by 'Turanor' co-skipper Raphael Domjan, Planet Solar will use the expedition to prove that current renewable energy technologies are reliable and effective, and to advance scientific research into the production and storage of solar energy. After embarking from Monaco on September 27 2010, the 'Turanor' has already broken two records: fastest crossing of the Atlantic Ocean by solar boat and longest distance ever covered by a solar electric vehicle.