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Israeli bombing targets lorence cafeteria in deir al-balah, central gaza strip, at dawn on the 466th day of the war. int israeli bombing targets lorence cafeteria in deir al-balah, central gaza strip, at dawn on the 466th day of the war. January 14, 2025, gaza, palestine: scenes of the extensive destruction caused by the israeli bombing that targeted lorance cafe and cafeteria on the beach of deir al-balah city in the central gaza strip at dawn on the 466th day of the war on gaza. Credit: mohammed skaik/ thenews2 Foto: Mohammed Skaik/Thenews2/imago images Israeli bombing targets lorence cafeteria in deir al-balah, central gaza strip, at dawn on the 466th day of the war. PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUSA Copyright: xMohammedxMxSkaikx