Holocaust survivor Gabriel Benichou (R) poses with his daughter Catherine Chalfine in Paris on November 27, 2024. Gabriel Benichou was born on December 15, 1926 in Tlemcen (Algeria). He was arrested in Marseille on April 8, 1943. He was then interned in the Drancy camp (France) and deported to Auschwitz-Birkenau (Poland) on July 18, 1943. In October 1943 he was sent to the Warsaw ghetto for proceed with cleaning after destruction, he remained there until August 1944. He participated in the "death march" to Kutno (Poland) then transferred to the Dachau concentration camp (Germany) He carried out a second "death march" to Bad Tolz (Germany), he was released on May 2, 1945. Gabriel Benichou has two children, nine grandchildren and sixteen great-grandchildren. (Photo by JOEL SAGET / AFP)