Beautiful leaves of
ELEGANT images of an Asian tramp snail crawling on a beautiful curvy leaf have been captured.
Pictures taken in Balangan City, Indonesia, show the snail delicately balanced in different positions along a long leaf with a curl at the end.
The Asian tramp snail is a small air-breathing, terrestrial snail.
The width of the light brown shell is 12 to 16 mm and it has about 5 1?2 whorls which are the spiral pattern of the snail shell.
The snails can live among leaf litter and ornamental plants like Hibiscus species but have been known to feed on all types of citrus crops.
These images were captured by Ridho Arifuddin (39) a wildlife photographer from Indonesia.
“I was waiting for the snail to crawl up the leaf for an hour and it was absolutely worth it,” he told
“After capturing this moment, I felt very happy because I was able to capture something small but beautiful and unique.
“I used a Canon 550D camera and a 180 mm Sigma lens. f/3.5.”