Mandatory Credit: Photo by Eric Renom/LaPresse/Shutterstock (14940454c)
Institutional act in tribute to the victims of gender-based violence on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. The event was attended by the main authorities of Catalonia, and a minute of silence was observed. Acto institucional en homenaje a las víctimas de la violencia machista en el Día Mundial de la Lucha contra la Violencia hacia las Mujeres. El acto contó con la presencia de las principales autoridades de Cataluńa y se realizó un minuto de silencio. In the pic: salvador illa,jaume collboni,josep rull,eva menor,lluisa moret News-Politics-Barcelona,Spain Monday, November, 25, 2024
Barcelona - Institutional Act Against Gender-Based Violence, Spain - 25 Nov 2024