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Russia Wildberries Shooting Incident Trial 8769621 20.09.2024 Defendant Vladimir Zharikov is escorted before a remand hearing in connection with a shooting at the headquarters of Russia s largest online retailer Wildberries on September 18, at the Basmanny District court in Moscow, Russia. Two people were killed and seven others wounded in the incident when husband of Wildberries founder and CEO Tatiana Bakalchuk, Vladislav Bakalchuk and a group of men tried to illegally enter the company s office amid corporate conflict. Maksim Blinov / Sputnik Moscow Russia PUBLICATIONxINxGERxSUIxAUTxESTxLTUxLATxNORxSWExDENxNEDxPOLxUKxONLY Copyright: xMaksimxBlinovx