Archiwum zagraniczne East News 2024-08

Archiwum zagraniczne East News 2024-08
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Iran's new President, Masoud Pezeshkian (top C), waves to Iranian lawmakers after speaking in the Iranian Parliament in Tehran, Iran, on August 21, 2024. Iran's parliament votes no confidence in all of the nineteen ministers proposed by President Masoud Pezeshkian. (Photo by Morteza Nikoubazl/NurPhoto) (Photo by Morteza Nikoubazl / NurPhoto / NurPhoto via AFP)
Nur Photo/East News
Nur Photo
36cm x 47cm by 300dpi
2024, 21, AFP, AFTER, ALL, AUGUST, AYATOLLAH-ALI-KHAMENEI, BY, C, CONFIDENCE, DIPLOMACY, early-presidential-elections, ELECTIONS, first-vice-president, IN, IRAN, IRANIAN, iranian-parliament, LAWMAKERS, MASOUD, masoud-pezeshkian, members-of-parliament, MINISTERS, mohammad-bagher-ghalibaf, mohammad-reza-aref, MORTEZA, MPS, NEW, new-iranian-president, NIKOUBAZL, NINETEEN, NO, NURPHOTO, OF, ON, PARLIAMENT, PEOPLE, pezeshkian, PHOTO, POLITIC, PRESIDENT, PRESIDENTIAL-ELECTIONS, PROPOSED, S, s-supreme-leader, SPEAKING, TEHRAN, THE, TO, TOP, VERTICAL, VIA, VOTE, VOTES, WAVES,