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1. Fussball Bundesliga, VfL Bochum - FC Augsburg, 32. Spieltag, 13.05.2023, Vonovia Ruhrstadion, Bochum Christopher ANTWI-ADJEI VfL Bochum, 22 im Zweikampf mit Robert GUMNY FC Augsburg, 2. , 1. Fussball Bundesliga, VfL Bochum- FC Augsburg, Bundesliga, 32. Spieltag, am 13.05.2023, Vonovia Ruhrstadion, Bochum DFL regulations prohibit any use of photographs as image sequences and/or quasi-video *** 1 Football Bundesliga, VfL Bochum FC Augsburg, 32 Matchday, 13 05 2023, Vonovia Ruhrstadion, Bochum Christopher ANTWI ADJEI VfL Bochum, 22 in duel with Robert GUMNY FC Augsburg, 2 , 1 Football Bundesliga, VfL Bochum FC Augsburg, Bundesliga, 32 Matchday, on 13 05 2023, Vonovia Ruhrstadion, Bochum DFL regulations prohibit any use of photographs as image sequences and or quasi video Copyright: xBEAUTIFULxSPORTS/Meuselx