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Sports Summit Sao Paulo 2023 on Tribute to Pele SPO Sports Summit Sao Paulo 2023 on Tribute to Pele. April 26, 2023, Sao Paulo, Brazil: Pele is made official as an entry in the Michaelis dictionary. The King of Football will appear in the digital and printed versions of the Portuguese language dictionary, in an official Tribute and he is also immortalized in the Portuguese language. Michaelis has already inserted the name of the King of Football as an entry in its digital edition - the explanation will also be in the next printed versions of the dictionary, on Wednesday 26 at the Sports Summit Sao Paulo 2023, at Pavilhao Pacaembu. Credit: Leco Viana/Thenews2 Foto: Leco Viana/TheNews2/imago images SPO PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUSA Copyright: xLecoxVianax