The curious cub stands attentively while his sibling sits at leisure. Masai Mara, Kenya: ADORABLE images of the most curious lion cub you are likely to meet have been capturedImages show the tiny cub intrigued by the photographer, looking back time and again.The cub has been captured in the peak of his curiosity being super active even when the rest of his clan is at rest.Lion cubs are quick developers and start to walk at 10 to 15 days old. They also grow baby teeth while they are very young.One of the images shows the curious cub also munching on his mum’s tail.These images were captured by Preeti John (40) and Prashant Chacko (43) using a Nikon D5 and a Nikon D500 in Masai Mara, Kenya“The lioness ambled along the road and the cubs strolled along with them,” said the photographers.“This one cub was particularly curious and every now and again would look back at the cars following them."At one point, the cub even decided to play with its mothers tail, biting it when it managed to catch the tail.“The poor harassed mother just took it in her stride and whipped the tail away.” mediadrumimages/PreetiJohnPrashantChacko